Black Friday, Trump and Guns

This year on Black Friday companies are expecting to sell more guns than ever before; by giving out a 10% discount and bringing in new stock they expect to have a successful holiday this upcoming November. Before the election members of the NRA and gun shops thought they may actually go out of business because of Hilary's plans of tightening up on gun control, but since Trump won people were at ease.  However, they were not completely right.
            “Gun sales slowed precipitously after Donald Trump won presidency” (Smith, 9/27/2017). The assumption has been made that U.S companies will benefit only if other countries have a demand for guns but indeed Trump does intend to loosen the export on firearms. But we have to remember that this is about preventing weapons from entering the hands of people who “use them to commit human rights violations, terrorism and criminal purposes”.
            It could’ve been foreseen that once Trump became president the gun control policy would soon spiral out of control. Since we really have no way of stopping the president we must try and prevent this gun crime issue in our small communities and hopefully the trend will expand. I will list some ideas in my final paragraph that need to be set in action.

            For starters the only people that should be allowed to have guns are the police and people who have gun cards. We have to create healthier environments for our younger children because they get influenced easily. Lastly we have to be sure to work on ourselves and remember that gun crimes involve suicides as well which can be due to bullying so we should find it within ourselves to be better individually.


  1. I think the only people allowed to have guns are the police and those with gun cards. But how are people still getting a hold of them? I personally think no one should be allowed to carry a gun, including the police...

    1. I also feel like police men shouldn't have guns either since they contribute to a lot of the gun violence inn America instead of protecting.

  2. I agree that guns should not be easily accessible, but unfortunately they are. Guns should remain in the hands of those who are trained and know how to use them. To keep families safe, it is important to have guns locked away and separated from family living areas in the home. My father owns a recreational gun that he uses at a gun range (a recreational purpose), but as his daughter, I never knew where he kept it at home and I have never be around it. To keep individuals safe, it is important to practice gun safety in small communities and households.

  3. I do agree only people that are police officers, military, and have their license should be allowed to have guns. In today's society the murder rates from guns are high especially in low income communities. We do need healthier environments to protect our youth because its getting worse.

  4. I grew up in an area where EVERYONE has guns. They were in a cabinet in our house and I know my parents kept one in their room too. I was educated about them at a young age, I understood that they were a serious thing, and later on I learned the basics on thier operation. It makes me feel safer knowing that my parents have a way to protect us if need be. All that considered it makes me sick knowing how easy it is to get an unregistered gun to an unliscensed person. There are so many things we could to do be better at that lesgislature wise. However, the bottom line is, if a bad person wants a gun, they are somehow going to get one. I think that mental health screening is more vital to gun control than 'gun control legislature' itself. It's improtant to speak up if you think, or know, that someone needs help.

  5. If Trump plans on loosening the export on firearms isn't he basically providing the weapons for another country to possibly harm us? I completely agree that only certain people should be able to carry guns but i don't agree that all police officers should have the right to carry guns. In my opinion there should be intense psychological testing in order for a person to be able to carry a gun. Of course, the U.S. is way to cheap for that to happen but I do believe it would make a difference in our society. Then maybe people wouldn't have to have a gun in their home in order to feel safe.

  6. I believe that there should be some cracking down on who we allow to carry a gun. I think everyone who wants to carry should go through some testing or their morals and things. however that may not be very effective for it is the crazy ones that always seem to go undetected. anyhow as far as all police having guns I not sure if that is such a good idea. some of them scare so easily and become trigger happy and then we have lives lost. I do not really know what the solution should be but I do agree that they are dangerous in the wrong hands if only we could find a way to keep them in the hands of a responsible party at all times. good thoughts here, thank you.

  7. I agree that we need to start small in our communities to educate about gun crimes and how to prevent them. It's sad that it is very easy for an individual to obtain a gun in today's world. I also think it's important to highlight how guns are not only used to kill other people but people who attempt and commit suicide also use them.

  8. I think guns are the biggest problem we have in our country. There are responsible for so many tragedies and the leaders of our country aren't doing anything to get a handle on it. Even the police don't do what they're supposed to do when it comes to guns. It's sickening.


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