Gun Violence and Pevention on a Individual and Community Level

I started to go in a different direction with my gun crime blogs, I wrote about events that dealt with gun violence and showed how much of a problem it was but now I want to list ways to prevent this epidemic. First, I think it is essential to know what levels the issue must be worked and solved on. It can’t be stopped all at once so we must first do it individually and then within our communities.

Individually we must take action in seeking treatment when we have or see someone showing signs of mental illness. We see shootings take place in schools, workplace, and social events and in our homes due to people needing to intervene and getting mentally ill people to seek mental help. It is not that these people are dangerous, they just need serious intervention from loved ones and professionals as early as possible once the signs are clear to see.

Secondly we must work on stopping gun crimes on a community level. It is important as a community to know how to practice first aid, for example calling 911, CPR, applying pressure to a wound before the ambulance comes to scene if someone is hurt. Lastly families must raise healthy children so that they grow up to think morally although there are still chances of them developing mental illness.

Gun violence has been common is schools, workplaces, and social events. It is scary to know that you have to be on guard whenever you are out and about but it is for your own safety. Let us all be advocates for preventing gun violence starting in our individual lives!


  1. I couldn't agree more. Last year my roommate went out and a guy who was standing right next to her got shot. When i asked her what she said she said she ran. -___________- I was so upset with her because someone next to you got shot and you did nothing to help. I really feel like everyone should know what to do when someone gets shot. You should know to call 911, and apply pressure to stop the bleeding and to talk to the person and keep them awake.

  2. I agree that on an individual level we must take action because it can help save a lot of lives if you know how to perform basic CPR and calling 911. There have been many instances where random individuals interfere and saved a lot of lives.

  3. I agree that it's important to take action on an individual and community level. It's important to not only know what to do if you're in a setting where a shooting is taking place but also how to help save others(i.e. cpr and first aid). It's important to know to call 911, even if you don't know what else to do.


  4. good thoughts these are some important things to keep in mind in case of these sort of crisis. I like your breakdown of where help can be implemented and starting within ourselves first. being able to report when we notice an at risk person. there are many times where we may notice things but we simply remove ourselves from the situation and go on with our lives not thinking about how that person may potentially harm another.

  5. I agree that on a community level, we need to be able to know how to respond in a crisis, but we should not have to learn how to respond to a shooting. These mass shootings should not be happening and our government needs to form laws to protect its people versus having people learn to protect themselves. As individuals, we want to be protected by the government and laws so these shootings do not happen, but unfortunately, we have to look out for ourselves in the political climate today.

  6. I think CPR and First Aid is something that many people know of but have no idea how to go about. And everyone should get more familiar with it. Because when tragic things happen, they aren't really expected. They just happen and they can happen anywhere. So people knowing what to do in emergency situations is really helpful.


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